When to request Braille language Interpretation:
- When a District resident or DC Government agency’s client/consumer requests official DC Government material in alternate formats (Braille, large print).
- It is important that people who are blind or have low vision are able to benefit from District government services when printed materials are the only means of communication available.
- District Government must provide a mechanism for individuals who are blind or have low vision to request official documents from agencies and to advise them that they need to provide 5-7 business days notice.
Announcements and web postings of official District government material should indicate that: "Documents can be provided in Braille language upon request. Please notify [agency contact person and contact information] to request the document in Braille."
Allow 5-7 business days to make the needed arrangements.
Process of Request:
- Braille language interpretation of an “official” DC Government Agency document must be requested on the ODR Braille Language Translation Request form by the specific agency making the request.
- Requests directly from clients/consumers will be referred to the agency for submission of official Braille Translation Request Form.
- Agency must provide the source document in MS Word format. If the source document is not available in MS Word format, the agency is responsible for converting it into a MS Word format.
- Submit the request form and MS Word document to the Office of Disability Rights by any of the following (Web Form preferred):
Email: [email protected]
Fax: (202) 727-9484
Mail: 441 4th St., NW, Suite 729 North, Washington, DC 20001
- ODR will contact the agency contact person for additional information if needed
- ODR will approve or deny the request and notify the agency
- ODR will arrange for the document to be translated into Braille and return it to the requesting agency (5-7 business days).
- The requesting agency is responsible for notifying the consumer/resident that the document has been submitted for translation - provide the approximate date the document will be ready and will make the arrangements for getting the document to the requesting consumer/resident.
Please contact the Office of Disability Rights
Main Number: (202) 724-5055 or [email protected]
Contact TTY: