Our Mission
As advocates for effective public policy, we protect the rights of all residents of and visitors to the District of Columbia, regardless of their physical or mental ability.
Our Vision
A District of Columbia in which all people have equal access to the enjoyment of all rights, privileges and opportunities.
Strategies and Goals
The District of Columbia’s Commission on Persons with Disabilities will work towards these strategies and achieve these goals. Our attention will be directed to six areas of need concentrating on:
Accessible Transportation
Communication and Assistive Technology
Independent Living
General Community Issues
The Commission serves as an advisory body to inform and advise the District on programs, services, facilities, and activities that impact the lives of residents with disabilities in the District of Columbia. The Commission is committed to enhancing the image, status, inclusion, and quality of life for all District of Columbia residents, visitors, and employees with disabilities, and ensuring that they have the same rights and opportunities as those without disabilities.
APPLY FOR THE COMMISSION: https://motaboards.applytojob.com/apply/JbelYM/Commission-On-Persons-With-Disabilities
Contact Information:
DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities
c/o Office of Disability Rights
441 4th Street., NW, Suite 729 North
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: (202) 724-5055
Website: odr.dc.gov
Email: [email protected]