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The DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities Bylaws

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities (DCCPD) was established by Mayors' Order 2008-38, dated March 13, 2008. The Mayor’s Order was in accord with the DC Disability Rights Protection Act of 2006, effective December 28, 2006, D.C. Law 16-239 (DC Official Code § 2-1431.01 et seq.).


Pursuant to the Mayors' Order, the purposes of the DCCPD include:

  • Enhancing the image, status, inclusion, and quality of life for all District of Columbia residents, visitors, and employees with disabilities, and ensuring that they have the same rights and opportunities as those without disabilities.
  • Serving as an advisory body to inform and advise the District on programs, services, facilities, and activities that impact the lives of residents with disabilities in the District of Columbia.
  • Advocating on behalf of persons with disabilities and/or families of such persons to promote inclusive communities and service delivery systems and to provide opportunities for public input, outreach, and education.
  • Working within the Office of Disability Rights (ODR) and in collaboration with the Office of Human Rights, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance and training programs, the Department on Disability Services, and all other agencies, boards, and commissions of the District of Columbia that affect the lives of residents with disabilities.