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Office of Disability Rights

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Department on Disability Services

Department on Disability Services (DDS)
250 E Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
Phone: (202) 730-1700
Fax: (202) 730-1843
TTY: (202) 730-1516
Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
Email: [email protected]

The Department on Disability Services (DDS) is composed of two Administrations that oversee and coordinate services for residents with disabilities through a network of private and non-profit providers.

The Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) ensures that residents with intellectual disabilities receive the services and supports they need to lead self-determined and valued lives in the community. DDA achieves this through the delivery of outreach and service coordination services; the development and management of a provider network delivering community residential, day, vocational, employment and individual and family support services; and the operation of a comprehensive quality management program.

DDA supports individuals with intellectual disabilities to have the most independence and choice and control over their own lives through person-centered service planning and delivery and increased provider capacity. DDA coordinates home and community services for over 2,000 individuals so each person can live and work in the neighborhood of his or her choosing, and promotes health, wellness and a high quality of life through service coordination and monitoring, clinical supports, and a robust quality management program

The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) focuses on employment, ensuring that persons with disabilities achieve a greater quality of life by obtaining and sustaining employment, economic self-sufficiency and independence. RSA achieves this through employment marketing and placement services, vocational rehabilitation, inclusive business enterprises and supports for the D.C. Center for Independent Living.

DDS also supports the District’s Disability Determination Division where Social Security Disability Insurance claims determinations are processed.