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Home Health Resources

Health Regulation and Licensing Administration
Health Care Facilities Division (HCFD)
899 North Capitol Street, NE, Second Floor
Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 724-8800

The Health Care Facilities Division inspects, monitors, and investigates hospitals and other health care sites in the District of Columbia. Facilities include nursing homes, home health agencies, end-stage renal disease facilities, laboratories, and intermediate care facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities. HCFD ensures that these sites comply with federal standards for participation in Medicare and Medicaid under Titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act. HCFD also ensures that sites comply with District licensure, health and safety regulations.

The District of Columbia Department of Health licenses and certifies health care facilities for compliance with state and federal health and safety standards. Facilities include nursing homes, hospitals, home health agencies, dialysis centers, ambulatory surgical centers, intermediate care facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities and laboratories. The Health Care Facilities Division conducts regular on-site surveys to ensure health, safety, sanitation, fire, and quality of care requirements. HCFD identifies deficiencies that may affect state licensure or eligibility for federal reimbursements under the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

The HCFD also maintains a list of DC licensed home health agencies that can help you find a visiting nurse, home health aide, or persomal care attendant.