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Office of Disability Rights

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Identification and Marital Status

Some documents like a birth certificate are important to have when you live in the community.  If you have lost your birth certificate and you were born in the District of Columbia, contact:

Department of Health
Vital Records Division
899 North Capitol Street, NE, First Floor
Washington, DC 20002
(202) 671-5000

Marriage and Divorce Records:

DC Superior Court
500 Indiana Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20001
(Room JM300 for Divorce Decree or Room JM690 for marriage license)
Marriage information: (202) 879-4840
Divorce Information: (202) 879-1261

Obtain a DC Non-Driver Identification Card:

The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV issues DC Non-Driver identification cards to District residents who are at least 15 years of age and do not hold a valid driver license in DC, another State or Country. A DC identification card is valid for up to eight years for US citizens and may vary for non-US citizens (according to the US immigration expiration date). Certain DC residents are eligible for a non-driver identification card.

Non-US Citizens may obtain their Non-Driver Identification Card at any DMV service center.