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Office of Disability Rights

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This plan is a living document – continuously reviewed, revised and updated to reflect current available information. In light of this fact, the following proposed tasks and activities support the successful implementation of One Community for All.

District of Columbia Primary Service Agency Responsibilities:

  1. Identify an agency Olmstead Liaison to work collaboratively with the Olmstead Program Liaison at the Office of Disability Rights.
  2. Identify and designate agency employees who will be responsible for identifying and assessing individuals in institutional placements who are willing and able to transition from institutional care to community-based placements.
  3. Collect relevant data regarding individuals the agency serves in institutional settings, including costs, needed community-based services, and other barriers to deinstitutionalization.
  4. Conduct the actual assessments of all individuals currently served in institutions to determine the individual’s readiness for community placement.
  5. Identify specific individuals to be offered transition plans and community-based services on an annual basis beginning in fiscal year 2012.
  6. Identify an agency transition team to work with the agency’s identified Olmstead Liaison to develop policies and procedures that promote safe transition plans for individuals with disabilities currently receiving institutional care from the agency that will transition to community-based settings.
  7. Schedule, publicize, and host community forums on services offered to support persons with disabilities in community-based settings. These events should be held throughout each fiscal year.
  8. Identify an Olmstead Performance Goal that will capture and measure the Agencies’ Goals for this initiative.
  9. Develop outreach materials and an outreach plan designed to inform individuals, their families, caregivers, advocates, and service providers about the availability of community-based services and supports, Individual agency and cross-agency materials should be made available in order to provide a menu of all the available community-based support services and options available to persons with disabilities.
  10. Develop budget projections that address financial expenditures that may be required to meet agency community integration goals.
  11. Announce quarterly via website(s) and other agency specific means for communicating with constituents and other stakeholders data such as:
  • Number of individuals who are projected to be transitioned out of institutions
  • Number of individuals who are projected to be diverted away from institutions
  • Number of individuals transitioned out of institutions
  • Number of individuals who were diverted away from institutions