Monday, August 3, 2009
DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities
Meeting Minutes - August 3, 2009
In Attendance
Don Galloway
Charles Butler
Erica Nash
Denise Decker
Karen Wolf-Branigin
Charles Butler
Erica Nash
Denise Decker
Karen Wolf-Branigin
Christina Mitchel
Derek Orr
**Note: The July 30, 2009 meeting did not meet quorum requirements, a conference call on August 3, 2009 fulfills July meeting requirements.
Don Galloway called the July meeting conference call of the DC Commission on Persons with Disabilities to order.
Mr. Galloway announced the first order of business of approving June minutes would be postponed until the DCCPD met quorum requirements.
Once the fifth commissioner joined the call quorum requirements were met and the DCCPD were able to vote on issues.
Erica Nash moved to approve the June meeting minutes, Charles Butler seconded the motion. The DCCPD voted unanimously to approve the June minutes.
Dr. Denise Decker moved to table the discussion of the 5-year Strategic Plan based on the absence of Frank Anderson. Karen Wolf-Branigin seconded the motion. The DCCPD voted unanimous to table the 5-year Strategic Plan discussion.
Christina Mitchell briefly discussed emails released by Jon Mitchiner on June 24 and July 13th regarding the Language Access Act. The Office of Human Rights convened a Language Access Policy Forum in recognition of 5th Anniversary of the Language Access Act, which does
not include video relay interpreting and sign language interpreting. Dr. Denise Decker moved to table the discussion of the Language Access Act based on the absence of Jon Mitchiner who holds the details. Karen Wolf-Branigin seconded the motion. The DCCPD voted unanimously table discussion.
not include video relay interpreting and sign language interpreting. Dr. Denise Decker moved to table the discussion of the Language Access Act based on the absence of Jon Mitchiner who holds the details. Karen Wolf-Branigin seconded the motion. The DCCPD voted unanimously table discussion.
Mr. Galloway moved to discuss the Conference updates. Ms. Nash, Derek Orr and Mrs. Mitchell gave a detailed updated of the current status and future plans for the Disability Awareness Conference, which will include morning and afternoon keynote speakers Kareem Dale and Kathy Martinez.
Dr. Decker asked about the role of the DCCPD in the conference. Ms. Nash explained multiple places that each commissioner would be needed. Dr. Decker will work with Christina to create a list of persons under the assistive technology arena to attend and participate. Christina agreed to resend the meeting notes from the Conference Planning team, along with the conference agenda.
Mr. Galloway reported on the first State Independent Living Council (SILC) meeting. SILC members named Bobby Coward chair of the committee. Mr. Galloway mentioned that SILC, like DCCPD had not be appointed a Chair by the Mayor, so the committee acted themselves and named Mr. Coward the Chair. Charles Butler suggested that the DCCPD do the same and motioned for a vote. Ms. Nash seconded the motion. The motion was denied by a count of 3 opposed and 2 for.
Mr. Galloway announced that he will be contacting Frank Anderson to get an update regarding the status of the 5-year Strategic Plan team meeting. Mr. Galloway also announced he would try contact Seth Galanter and Liz Stone regarding attendance and participation.
Mr. Butler motioned to end the meeting. Erica seconded the motion.
The next DCCPD meeting is August 27, 2009 at 9 am in conference room #1112.