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ADA TODAY Newsletter - November 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012
Volume 2 - Issue 12

Know about current ADA and other disability-related activities and events occurring in the community.

Special points of interest in September’s ADA Today:

  • Office of Disability Rights (ODR) and Developmental Disabilities Council (DDC) Host 2012 Disability Mentoring Days

Local News and Information:

  • Emergency Preparedness: What's the Plan?

  • Accommodation and Compliance Series: Employers’ Guide to Including Employees with Disabilities in Emergency Evacuation Plans

Federal News and Information:

  • DuPriest and Sons To Pay $24,000 to Silk-Screener Fired Because of Disability EEOC Lawsuit Alleged DuPriest and Sons Laid Off Worker Due to His Need For Dialysis
  • Intellectually Disabled Workers Awarded $1.3M for Pay Discrimination by Henry's Turkey Service Further Proceedings on Disability-Based Abuse and Harassment Allegations Lie Ahead
  • EEOC Obtains $40,000 in Settlement of ADA Case with Jim Walter Resources Mine Worker Was Denied Assignment to Area That Would Not Damage His Hearing Aids, Federal Agency Charged

And more...