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ODR Releases DC--One Community All--FY '14 Agency Goal Summary

Monday, February 24, 2014

The DC Office of Disabilty Rights (ODR) releases the FY '14 Annual Goal Summary for the participating agencies in the District's DC--One Community for All-- Olmstead Community Integration Plan.  The Summary highlights each agency's quantitative goal (the number of individuals it expects to help transition into the community during this fiscal year) as well as its qualitative goal (how it expects to promote community integration and inclusion through technical assistance, agency collaboration, and community outreach). 


The agencies participating in the District's Community Integration Plan are: Office of the State Superintendent for Education (OSSE), Office on Aging (DCOA), Department of Youth Rehabilitation Services (DYRS), Department of Disability Services (DDS), Department of Human Services (DHS), Department of Mental Health (DMH), Child and Family Services Agency (CFSA), DC Public Schools (DCPS) and the Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF).


For a copy of the FY '14 Agency Goal Summary, please see below.