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Office of Disability Rights

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Legal Requirements

Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires that all programs, services, and activities of DC government be accessible to people with disabilities. General requirements include:

  • Physical accessibility – Individuals with disabilities must not be denied participation in programs, services and activities because of physically inaccessible facilities;
  • Effective communication – DC government agencies must ensure that communication with people with disabilities is as effective as communication with nondisabled people. DC government agencies must provide auxiliary aids, such as sign language interpreters, real time captioning, and written texts for people with hearing impairments, or Braille, large print, or screen-readable electronic formats of written documents for people with vision impairments.
  • Reasonable modifications – DC agencies must be prepared to reasonably modify policies, practices, and procedures to accommodate participants with disabilities.

Examples include modifying a “no-pets” policy to allow a person who uses a service animal to participate.