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DC--One Community for All-- 2015 Annual Summary


DC-One Community for All

Calendar Year 2015 Annual Summary


For Calendar Year (CY) 2015, the District of Columbia Olmstead Plan and Addendum outlined the following goals:


1.      The District committed to helping individuals, families, and nursing facilities understand the availability and accessibility of home- and community-based services and supports.


2.      The District continued to provide a person-centered approach to assess and facilitate an individual’s desire and ability to transition from the nursing facility to the community, leading to the successful transitions outlined in this report.


3.      The District reviewed its current informational materials on long-term services and supports and produced new materials for 2016, including materials for nursing facilities to provide to residents on home- and community-based care options.


4.      The District reviewed its current training processes through the Olmstead Working Group, and tasked the Working Group to come up with a Customer Satisfaction Survey to better evaluate these trainings and processes in 2016.


5.      In 2015, the District evaluated the need for a prioritization process for the Elderly and Persons with Physical Disabilities (EPD) Waiver with interested stakeholders. In 2016, the District will adopt a waiting list policy for the EPD Waiver, which will be developed with interested stakeholders.


6.      The District collected and reported data to track the effectiveness of the District’s system of ensuring individuals are in the least restrictive living environment where appropriate (the individual does not oppose a less restrictive setting; and the needed assistance and home- and community-based services can be reasonably accommodated, taking into account the District’s available resources and the needs of others with disabilities). Below is a report summarizing the District agencies' efforts in relation to DC--One Community for All and community integration in the District.