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Braille Services Interpretation Program

Braille Services Interpretation Program

When to request Braille language Interpretation:

  • When a District resident or DC Government agency’s client/consumer requests official DC Government material in alternate formats (Braille, large print).
  • It is important that people who are blind or have low vision are able to benefit from District government services when printed materials are the only means of communication available.
  • District Government must provide a mechanism for individuals who are blind or have low vision to request official documents from agencies and to advise them that they need to provide 5-7 business days notice.

Announcements and web postings of official District government material should indicate that: "Documents can be provided in Braille language upon request. Please notify [agency contact person and contact information] to request the document in Braille."

Allow 5-7 business days to make the needed arrangements.

Process of Request:

  1. Braille language interpretation of an “official” DC Government Agency document must be requested on the ODR Braille Language Translation Request form by the specific agency making the request.
  2. Requests directly from clients/consumers will be referred to the agency for submission of official Braille Translation Request Form.
  3. Agency must provide the source document in MS Word format. If the source document is not available in MS Word format, the agency is responsible for converting it into a MS Word format.
  4. Submit the request form and MS Word document to the Office of Disability Rights by any of the following (Web Form preferred):
Fax: (202) 727-9484
Mail: 441 4th St., NW, Suite 729 North, Washington, DC 20001
  1. ODR will contact the agency contact person for additional information if needed
  2. ODR will approve or deny the request and notify the agency
  3. ODR will arrange for the document to be translated into Braille and return it to the requesting agency (5-7 business days).
  4. The requesting agency is responsible for notifying the consumer/resident that the document has been submitted for translation - provide the approximate date the document will be ready and will make the arrangements for getting the document to the requesting consumer/resident.


Please contact the Office of Disability Rights
Main Number: (202) 724-5055 or [email protected]

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