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Office of Disability Rights

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DCTC Accessibility Advisory Committee

On July 10, 2012, the District of Columbia City Council passed the DC Taxicab Service Improvement Amendment Act of 2012 (DC Taxi Act) to improve taxicab service in the District.  Section 20f of the Act addresses accessibility for individuals with disabilities, and requires the DC Taxicab Commission (DCTC) to establish a Disability Taxicab Advisory Committee (the Committee) to advise the Commission on how to make taxicab service in the District more accessible for individuals with disabilities.  Under the DC Taxi Act, the Committee was tasked with producing a comprehensive report and making recommendations to the Mayor and to the Council on 8 specific issues regarding accessible taxi service. This page displays all the public materials generated by the DCTC Accessibility Advisory Committee.

The Office of Disability Rights is represented on the DCTC Committee and hosts these materials as an additional resource.